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Scheduling for the 2017-2018 School Year

6th Grade
The 2nd week in January scheduling will take place during Social/Reading Classes. A copy of your child's scheduling form will be sent home for parent approval. 
7th Grade
The 3rd week in January scheduling will take place in Social Classes. A copy of your child's scheduling form will be sent home for parent approval. 
8th Grade
Individual meetings with counselor. Parents are welcome to join or phone conference in.  Please let our Guidance Secretary know if you are interested in participating.  Scheduling will take place starting the last week of February.
This is the scheduling form your child will be bringing home to show their course selections for the following school year: Middle School Scheduling Form
If at any time you have any questions regarding the scheduling process or your child's course selections, please do not hesitate to contact your child's Guidance Counselor!!