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Add/Drop Course Information

We understand that there comes a time for students when they need to add or drop a course. This is most common within the beginning of the school year as students find the right courses that fit their academic ability and schedule.
If for some reason your child needs to add or drop a course from their schedule, please have them see their Guidance Counselor. After reviewing their schedule and determining if it would effect their courses for graduation, we will request a written note from the parent stating their approval for dropping or changing a course. There may other circumstances where we need to check with teachers as well. If the add/drop is approved students will be given a form to have their teachers, principal and counselor sign off on. 
Per the Board of Education Policy, the last date at which a student may drop a course is at the 10 week point for a full year (i.e. 40 week) course, OR at the 5-week point for a semester (i.e. 20 week) course. Written permission from the parent, authorization by the Building Principal and written acknowledgement by the Guidance Counselor are required. Exceptions to this policy may be authorized by the Building Principal. 

If you or your child have any questions regarding adding or dropping a course,
please contact your Guidance Counselor.